The most powerful amulets for luck

From time immemorial, people have believed that there are special objects and symbols that can bring good luck. Today a person can choose any amulet suitable for him for happiness from different cultures and traditions. But before you acquire a magical attribute, it is worth learning about its characteristics, for whom it is most suitable.

How to bring happiness into your life

To attract happiness to themselves, people use several methods:

  1. They make a wish list - a collage made with their own hands, which presents all the dreams and fantasies of a person.
  2. They engage in self-hypnosis - regularly repeat statements, try to increase self-confidence and self-esteem.
  3. They use magical rituals and conspiracies.
  4. They attract luck with amulets and talismans.

If the first three methods require constant active participation of a person, then the latter will work independently. Despite the fact that many amulets have enough power, in the hands of different people they manifest in different ways. That is why it is worth paying attention to the correct selection of magical talismans, taking into account personal characteristics, desires, character traits.

How amulets and talismans of happiness work

It is believed that anything that has ever brought good luck can be considered an amulet. For example, a shirt in which I managed to pass a difficult interview and find a job, or shoes. But this is not the case. A real magic mascot differs from ordinary things and trinkets with its special energy. The stronger his energy, the greater the impact it will have on a person's life.

amulet for happiness and luck

Lucky talismans are things and symbols with a special magical design. They become conductors of favorable cosmic energy, which is necessary for every person to maintain health, fulfillment of desires, happiness and prosperity. Often magicians and psychics perform rituals to connect a magical artifact with a person and make him work for him.

In addition, some plants and precious stones bring happiness in a person's life, as they are naturally endowed with powerful useful energy. In order for the potential of the talisman to be fully revealed, you need to know its characteristics, strength and learn how to properly interact with it.

Slavic amulets of happiness

With the help of magical artifacts, the Slavs sought to gain the protection of nature, the gods. Traditionally, Slavic amulets are divided into male and female.

male talismans for happiness and luck

Men's mascots for happiness, protection and luck:

  1. Valkyrie- a magical symbol borrowed from the Scandinavians, which helps to win battles. In the past, he was carried with him by Slavic warriors to gain protection, courage and masculinity. Today, this amulet will help modern men to maintain their character and achieve their goals.
  2. Thunderstorm- a sign of winners, strong-willed and strong personalities. It gives its owner resilience, courage, determination, protects him from natural disasters. The thunderstorm must be carried by people whose field of activity is related to natural disasters - sailors, firefighters, pilots, blacksmiths.
  3. Duhobor- Slavic amulet that protects a person in the most difficult life situations, helping him to win diseases, difficulties, external and internal barriers.
  4. Яровик- a symbol of increasing wealth, continuation of life. Slavs apply this trademark on the walls of their houses, stables, stables to preserve and increase their property.
  5. Fern flower- an amulet that fulfills innermost desires that come from a pure heart. He will only work for a decent, honest person. In the hands of unscrupulous evil people, such a symbol will lose its power.
  6. Hammer of Svarog- the symbol of the Slavic god Svarog, which contains the power of fire. He is able to charge a man with powerful fiery energy, to give him courage, determination, resilience in achieving goals. But such an amulet can not be worn by liars, otherwise it will punish its owner, not help him.

Women's talismans for luck among the Slavs:

  1. Dunya- attracts well-being, grace and purity in the family, fulfills desires, endows its owner with wisdom. In the description of the Slavs, this is a symbol of protection from the evil eye, to attract prosperity to your home.
  2. Lada star- charm that can balance the feminine energy, bring the mistress good luck in all matters, fertility, health, attractiveness.
  3. Lelnik- amulet designed for unmarried girls. It makes them attractive, helps to develop creativity, protects from any negativity.
  4. Lunnitsa- a symbol of fertility, harmony, female beauty. The amulet in the shape of the moon attracts female happiness, family well-being, love. When they are pregnant, Slavic women decorate their belts with a lunar one so that childbirth is easy and painless.
  5. Maternity ward- an amulet that brings happiness to motherhood, protects the mother and her children from evil and problems.

The Slavic mascot deserves special attention - the burdock of happiness. Suitable for both men and women. This symbol attracts luck, prosperity, well-being in all spheres of life of its owner.

female mascot for luck and happiness

Muslim amulets of happiness

Representatives of Eastern culture also do not neglect the help of magical powers. The most common Muslim amulets and amulets:

  1. Crescent with a star- provides man with spiritual protection, protection of higher powers. Muslims believe that such a symbol will be useful only to those who profess Islam and acknowledge only one God, Allah. Seeing this sign on a representative of another faith, they may react negatively.
  2. The eye of Fatima- world-famous oriental amulet that repels the evil eye, bad thoughts and intentions of others. It is believed that the amulet will work only in a prominent place.
  3. Knot mascots- special amulets made by oriental women from multicolored threads. These magical qualities attract family happiness, prosperity, luck.
  4. Palm of Fatima (Hamsa)- attracts luck, strengthens health, protects a person and his property from an unfavorable combination of circumstances.
  5. Zulfikar- protective amulet for businessmen, businessmen. Muslims believe that two cross knives protect their owner from hasty decisions and help preserve property.

An amulet for Muslims is not just something, but a religious object, so in the East it is not bought in ordinary street shops.

Feng Shui talismans that bring happiness

The Chinese teaching of feng shui contains a lot of data on how to equip the living space for the proper distribution of energy flows in the house. According to this system, not only the amulet itself is important, but also the material for its production, its location in the apartment.

Types of feng shui amulets by sectors in the house:

  • For the wealth sector are suitable fish, fountain, Laughing Buddha, money napkin, three-legged frog. In China, the hieroglyphs "fish" and "wealth" have almost identical outlines, so the figures of carp or live fish in an aquarium are considered a symbol of prosperity. The fountain in the sector of wealth embodies the movement of energy, attracts abundance in the family. The laughing Buddha patronizes merchants and entrepreneurs. It is imperative to put money next to a napkin and a three-legged frog. You can put a coin directly in your frog's mouth.
  • For the health and longevity sector are suitable figures of birds (cranes, herons), turtles, bamboo. Paired images of herons and cranes are believed to increase longevity. The tortoise cleans the space of the house from negativity, symbolizes wisdom and health. Bamboo means endurance, long life, determination.
  • In the love sector, lucky talismans are considered to be paired mandarin ducks, red and white candles, joint photos of lovers.

According to feng shui, you should not only choose the right amulet, but also put it in a suitable place and dust it regularly.

Happy plants

As a result of centuries of observation, people have discovered that some plants bring happiness in family life and business. Among them the happiest are:

  • Money Tree (Fat Woman)- attracts the energy of prosperity, material stability in the house. To enhance the effect of the money tree, you need to tie its branches with red thread or ribbon.
  • Ficus- clears the space of the house from negativity, helps to harmonize relations. Some couples leave positive reviews about the flower, claiming that they managed to have children after placing this plant in the house.
  • Chinese rose- approaches unmarried girls, draws men's attention to them, encourages early marriage.
  • Cyclamen- protects households from envy, intrigue of ill-wishers, negative external influences.

In order for the plant to bring good luck, it must be taken care of. Dried yellowed flower will have the opposite effect, will attract negative energy into the house.

plants as talismans of happiness

Other amulets for a happy fate

There are many universal talismans that, when spoken of, bring happiness and prosperity. Among them, special attention deserves:

  • Lucky knot- a popular mascot that attracts wealth, health, love in the life of its owner. It usually consists of six eights made of double red thread.
  • Amulet of five blessings- a symbol of longevity, health and peace.
  • Horseshoe- a symbol of happiness in many cultures. To activate favorable energy in the house, a horseshoe is hung to the threshold with arches up.
  • Images and figures of an elephant- amulet for acquiring wisdom, career success, luck in financial matters. But only an elephant whose trunk is inverted has such an effect.
  • Golden key- a symbol of overcoming all obstacles, fulfillment of desires, acquisition of spiritual wisdom.

Amulets can be purchased at specialty stores and shops, but it is best to make them yourself.

making a lucky knot mascot

How to make a lucky mascot with your own hands

Theoretically, the amulet can be made of any material, but made with their own hands from paper or wax, it will not last long. It is best to use leather, wood, natural minerals.

Rules for making a lucky talisman:

  1. It is best to start working on the rising moon.
  2. In the case of drawing magical symbols, hieroglyphs, you should carefully check the photo, as any inaccurate line can deprive a magical object of power.
  3. All actions must be performed alone, when you make crafts, invest your soul, your own energy.
  4. In the process of work you have to imagine how this amulet will attract what you want - health, wealth, beauty, love.

Immediately after creating a talisman, it cannot be used until a special conspiracy is made that completes the entire ritual.

How to talk amulet for happiness

There are many conspiracies designed for different types of talismans. It is best to choose the text of the magic separately for each individual object made of a particular material. You can also use a universal conspiracy for good luck: "Since the squirrel was wearing a leather coat, he was not wearing it, so you will bring me luck. So be it, amen. "